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Test candidate aptitude.

Hire the best employees by using personality tests. Staffly’s automated psychometric tests will help you accurately match candidates to job requirements.

About the service

Staffly’s Job Profiler tool verifies key personality traits for a position to help you hire the best-fit employees. Staffly tests automate the testing of a candidate’s psychological aptitude in the hiring process.

Staffly Job Profiler’s automated psychometric test is a tool that will support your recruitment process. From the available 34 competencies, you will examine the selected ones and verify the candidate’s predisposition to perform the tasks of the job. Are you looking for a person resistant to stress? The test will verify it. Or maybe you care about a candidate ready to work at a fast pace? Nothing simpler. With Staffly you will check these and many other predispositions in a simple way.

Depending on the number of qualities tested, the test takes from 5 to 10 minutes. The candidate’s matching results, presented on a percentage scale (from -100% to + 100%), will help you select the best employees. You can also see the results of the individual traits tested.


  • Increasing the accuracy of employee matching
  • Optimizing the work of HR departments
  • Streamlining the recruitment process.

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