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Find the best IT candidates

Recruit IT candidates with the most potential through gamification.

About the service

Recruit IT candidates with the greatest potential through gamification!

The CodeStrikes platform selects candidates with the greatest potential and commitment, significantly reducing process time and delivering the highest level of candidate experience

Unlock the true potential of candidates through gamification

In the recruitment process, all candidates compete directly against each other: creating algorithms and then watching how they behave in a real 3D game scenario. This form reduces stress and focuses on potential and engagement. Furthermore, candidates raise the bar themselves and must react quickly to changing requirements.

Reduce the time of the recruitment process

The recruitment process does not require additional meetings with candidates. Invitations are sent automatically, candidates log into the platform and perform their task. The CodeStrikes platform analyzes the code quality of candidates’ algorithms and provides recruiters with detailed reports.

Candidate experience

Instead of asking dozens of questions and participating in live coding sessions, candidates play a game and prove their programming skills. Such a process strengthens the employer’s brand and makes even rejected candidates want to reapply in the future and recommend the company to others.


  • Shortening the recruitment process
  • Caring for the candidate experience

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