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Mobile app for giving feedback

Give real-time feedback via mobile app.

About the service

WinWinBalance® is a mobile application for giving real-time feedback, where feedback refers to a predefined list of competencies. The supervisor, with one click, appreciates the desired behavior or gives constructive feedback. The employee has a constant overview of his or her work history and the feedback received. The analytical part of the application makes it easy to identify the best employees. The transparency of WinWinBalance® supports fair personnel decisions and bonus schemes. WinWinBalance® can be part of any ERP system. AI algorithms allow you to measure the % impact of feedback on daily performance. As a result, the application also works well in a manufacturing environment.

Our analyses prove that regular feedback has a positive impact on motivation, engagement and productivity.


  • Constant feedback to employees on their achievements and deficits.
  • Potential channel for reporting improvement initiatives and actions - real influence on changes in the company.
  • Strengthening the company's image among employees and candidates.
  • Improving the quality of managers' work.

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