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Accurate and reliable psychometric tests for HR and business.

Diagnose, discover and develop talents!

About the service

Master is accurate and reliable psychometric tests for HR and business. It provides data analysis, assessment of candidates’ potential and effectiveness. Creates individualized criteria for a position. Diagnose, discover and develop talents!

Master’s psychometric tools are accurate, reliable and have Polish standards. Personality tests are based on the five-factor personality model – the Big Five.

The goal is to automate and optimize processes for HR and business related to sourcing, recruiting and developing talent in the organization through a digital platform integrated with eRecruiter – HR Marketplace.

The master creates individualized criteria and checks the fit between candidates and the requirements of the position. You can use as many tests and analyses as you need. You can generate comprehensive reports and talent comparisons.


  • Matching to position requirements - setting individualized criteria
  • Creating a level playing field through candidate diversity
  • Eliminate bias in the recruitment and talent development process
  • Reduce turnover and talent acquisition costs

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