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Verify the skills of IT candidates

DevSkiller will allow you to test the practical skills of your developer candidates in an automated way. You will give them test tasks and guide them through a simulation of their first day on the job.

About the service

The DevSkiller platform verifies the practical skills of your developer candidates in an automated way. It contains thousands of test tasks covering all key IT skills. It allows testing the candidate’s ability to apply programming knowledge in practice – while solving real business problems. Candidates test themselves in a simulation of their first day at work in a company.


  • Streamlining and speeding up the recruitment process.
  • Ability to apply the platform to a variety of positions - whether juniors, mids or seniors.
  • Fully automated recruitment test evaluation process - no need to involve people with technical skills.
  • Possibility to use the platform in remote recruitment - candidates solve the tests at a time and place convenient for them.

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