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Gamify your competency measurement

Competence Game is a test of competency levels using engaging online games. Competencies are measured in a behavioral way, so you check the candidate’s actual behavior, not their declarations.

About the service

Competence Game is a study of the level of competencies through engaging online games. Competencies are measured in a behavioral way, and the games confront candidates with real challenges, not just the theoretical question “What would you do in a given situation?”.

Competency diagnosis using Archipelago or ClusterMind games is:

  • a training game,
  • measurement game,
  • a player’s report with competency levels and development tips,
  • HR report with detailed information about the level of competence and tips for the manager,
  • a group report with a summary of the results of the individuals tested and a description of the competence profile of the entire team.


  • recruitment,
  • internship and talent schemes,
  • development processes,
  • alternative to costly AC/DC.


  • Behavioral verification of actual competencies (including decisions made, behaviors)
  • Objective assessment of the candidate
  • Time and financial optimization of recruitment and development processes
  • Summaries, rankings of candidates
  • Guidance for recruitment and development work with the candidate/employee

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