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Get your entire team in one place

Invite all people involved in recruiting at your company to use the eRecruiter system. Give them access to all or specific parts of the platform.

About the service

Collaborate via the eRectruiter system with your entire recruitment team, as well as with people from other departments!

All you need to do is give individual employees access to the platform. New users can be given one of several available roles. A given role defines the scope of access that the person assigned to it receives.

The number of accesses to the system is limited. Contact your Supervisor if you need to involve more people in recruitment.


  • You are assured that your recruitment team is always up to date
  • Collaboration is more efficient and communication is smoother
  • Candidate data is securely processed in one system
  • You can also involve people not directly related to recruitment in the processes, such as future managers of recruited employees

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