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Automate your document workflow!

Pergamin is the only contract management platform HR needs. Take back control of your contract and attachment flow and annex contracts for remote employees in 5 minutes!

About the service

Pergamin is an easy-to-implement and easy-to-use platform for managing and accelerating documents in large and medium-sized companies.

It enables fast drafting, effective teamwork, faster negotiation, secure approval and electronic signing of documents with different types of e-signatures (qualified as well as certified non-qualified), data transfer and structured repository storage and analytics. Thanks to the Interactive Template Builder, which enables the creation of dependencies and makes the document error-proof, Pergamin removes the responsibility that comes with creating contracts from the authors. As a result, HRs work faster and more efficiently, and the company’s compliance increases. 

For full data flow and automation, the solution integrates in a no-code model via the Pergamin Connect module with HRM class systems and more than 1000 business applications, including enova365, TETA HR, Comarch ERP Optima.


  • Reduced time-to-signature – the time from hiring decision to document signature by 90%.
  • 80% of reclaimed employee time that can be spent managing other business processes.
  • 75% lower costs associated with handling paperwork.
  • Minimized employee involvement put into each step of the paperwork and increased HR efficiency.
  • Increased complience of the company.

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