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Effective recruitment from the first minutes with voicebot

About the service

Are you missing a day to answer all the incoming applications? Candidates prefer to talk at non-standard hours? Feeling time pressure and looking for a way to be faster than the competition?
Transform and automate your recruiting process and simplify the way you contact candidates by using Jobcall’s voicebot.

With just a few clicks, Jobcall can schedule and conduct a simple preselection interview with a candidate on your behalf. These interviews can be conducted at any time and on a massive scale. And more preselections, means more candidates with a profile that fits your needs. More than that, the interview details and data go directly to your ATS!

Wondering if voicebot interviews are willingly conducted? Jobcall is a natural conversation formula and language tone that candidates like. As many as 97% of them have participated in an interview with our voicebot!

Are you looking for candidates in foreign markets and the language barrier is sometimes a challenge? We use NLP technology (which recognizes human speech and stimulates natural conversation) and have the capacity to conduct a preselection interview in 38 languages, effectively solving any communication difficulties.

Take advantage of Jobcall, which will reduce the time and cost of the preselection process by up to 80% per month!



  • Efficient preselection allowing you to check the qualifications of candidates
  • Ability to interview candidates in 38 languages
  • Filtering and identifying the best candidates with the profile you are looking for
  • Convenience in reaching candidates
  • Possibility of preselection at the most convenient time for candidates, including outside your working hours
  • Reduction of time and cost of the candidate preselection process

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