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Make messages to candidates more attractive

Dress up your messages with personalized layouts. Surprise the candidate with clear and visually appealing emails!

About the service

Make your messages to candidates stand out not only with great content, but also with a unique and inviting design!

At eRecruiter, we will prepare graphics for you to “dress up” your message templates to candidates. You decide whether they will be the same for each message, or different depending on what kind of information you are sending. We will create a graphic layout for both system templates (e.g. thank you for your application, invitation to a meeting, rejection, etc.) and those you have created yourself in the system.


  • Standing out from the competition - you will stick in the candidate's memory for a long time
  • Keeping your messages consistent with the company's visual identity
  • Positive candidate experience in the recruitment process
  • Beneficial impact on the company's employer branding

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