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Employee engagement survey platform

Understand your employees better, improve their satisfaction and reduce turnover.

About the service

Enpulse is a platform that supports building engagement in your organization. Through a proprietary methodology, you will learn your employees’ engagement rate and identify areas for improvement. The Enpulse platform helps you better understand your employees, improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. We ask your employees 12 short questions every month, automatically translate their feedback into data and provide reports that help managers manage.

Why integrate Enpulse with eRecruiter?

By integrating the systems, you will easily invite a new employee to an engagement survey and assign him or her to the right department in your organization. The combination of the platforms allows you to upload data automatically, so you will reduce the time to enter the new employee’s data, because everything will be uploaded automatically.


  • Automatic indicator surveys
  • Real-time engagement rate
  • Transparent, real-time data
  • Ability to add your own questions to the survey
  • Automatically generate downloadable reports in a variety of formats
  • Expert support in building employee engagement

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