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Study the candidate experience of your recruiters and send ready-made surveys to candidates!

About the service

Research candidate experience of your recruitments and send ready-made surveys to candidates!

AskCandidate provides you with a ready-made survey that you send to the candidate after the recruitment is completed. The cNPS (Candidate Net Promoter Score) survey boils down to just 2 questions – closed-ended: “How willing are you to recommend other candidates to apply to our company?” and an open-ended one, which, due to the different evaluation of the recruitment process, is different depending on whether the candidate is a promoter, critic or neutral.

You can send the survey to the candidate by email, messenger, text message – whatever you want! You always have the results and answers at your fingertips, in a simple and easy-to-read administration panel. Trust the data and effectively improve the experience of candidates applying to your company.

Because it’s definitely easier to make changes if you know what candidates are saying and expecting right?


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