Electronic processing of documents and submission to eSignature.
The perfect candidate found. Time for paperwork. This stage generates a mass of documents, forces you to visit the office in person or exchange correspondence. With Amodit it is a thing of the past. Process any documents electronically. Transfer prepared letters to e-signature and forget about paper.
Thanks to the integration with Amodit you will gain the ability to sign documents from any place and device. At the indicated stage of recruitment in Amodit, you will generate a case with the candidate’s data and attach a set of eDocuments, which the signing parties will receive by email to submit the eSignature. All this is based on a ready-made process that you can customize yourself or use experienced consultants. Amodit is a platform that moves processes to the digital world. In the HR area, you can build, for example, an electronic workflow of vacation requests, delegation settlements, on-boarding process or eTickets. Amodit is a flexible tool with infinite applications, even outside the HR area.
Amodit to platforma przenosząca procesy do świata cyfrowego. W obszarze kadrowym możesz zbudować m.in. elektroniczny obieg wniosków urlopowych, rozliczenia delegacji, proces on-boardingu czy eTeczki. Amodit to elastyczne narzędzie z nieskończoną ilością zastosowań, także poza obszarem kadrowym.
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